
Keep on smurfing!


The Blocksmurfer explorer is created by Coineva using Flask and Python Bitcoinlib. It can be used to search the testnet blockchain for blocks, transactions, addresses and utxo's. You can easily run it from a local server using the source code from Github.

Currently the Bitcoin and Testnet networks are supported.


Just like Bitcoinlib it retrieves blockchain data from various online service providers or a local bitcoin or Bcoin node.

For this website the following providers are used for the testnet network: bitcoind.testnet, bcoin.testnet, bitgo.testnet, blockchair.testnet, bitaps.testnet, blockstream.testnet and chainso.testnet . To avoid too many request to external service providers the local providers bcoin and bitcoind are used whenever possible. Also transaction, block and address data are cached in a local SQLite or PostgreSQL database.


Python Bitcoinlib is an open source bitcoin and other cryptocurrency library. You can use it to create and manage wallets, keys, transactions and interact with the blockchain through various service providers.

Amsterdam, 2020
Blocksmurfer (Coineva)